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X-Wing Thematic Squads: Battle of Endor Imperials

X-Wing Thematic Squads: Battle of Endor Imperials

In our last article on thematic squad building in X-Wing we looked at crafting squadrons around the Battle of Yavin.

This time we’ll look into the Battle of Endor, one of the most decisive battles in the Galactic Civil War. Since there’s a lot to include on both sides, this time we’ll just be looking at the Imperial ships and upgrades involved with the battle of Endor. Stay tuned for the Rebels in an upcoming article.

As before I’ll be putting forth all of the pilots and crew members that were present at the Battle of Endor as well as potentially thematic upgrades to go along with them.


Colonel Jendon and Captain Yorr were the pilots of the shuttle that brought Vader to the Death Star II shortly before the battle. Throwing the ST-321 title on the shuttle you choose is necessary here, as that’s the shuttle Jendon and Yorr were flying.JendonYorr

Moff-jerjerrodEquipping either of these pilots with Moff Jerjerrod would also be appropriate, as he was present at the battle as well.

Saber Squadron: 

Saber Squadron was a unit of the 181st Fighter Wing, one of the Empire’s most elite TIE units.

RedemptionEndor1Saber Squadron was present at the battle of Endor. Led by Baron Soontir Fel, the squadron was tasked with defending the Star Soontir_FelDestroyer Avenger.

Saber 1: Soontir Fel

Saber 2: Turr Phennir

Saber 3: Fel’s Wrath

Saber 4: Saber Squadron Pilot

Push the Limit and Hull Upgrade are probably the most appropriate for all the Tie Interceptors. As great as the Royal Guard title is, it doesn’t really fit thematically. So use your own preferences on that one.

Obsidian Squadron: 

cockpit-fighter-view1Obsidian Squadron, who were stationed at Bespin earlier, were also present at the Battle of Endor.

Obsidian 1: Howlrunner

Obsidian 2: Night Beast

Obsidian 7: Winged Gundark

Obsidian Whatever: Obsidian Squadron Pilot

ZqwVexpOnyx Squadron: 

Onyx Squadron was also apparently present at Endor.

Onyx 1: Rexler Brath + Predator

Onyx 2: Onyx Squadron Pilot

Scimitar Squadron:

Scimitar Squadron was stationed on Death Star II during the Battle of Endor. They were typically armed with proton torpedoes and proton bombs.

Scimitar 1: Major Rhymer (Which I maintain would be a great name for a rapper.) + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bomb

Scimitar 2: Captain Jonus + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bomb

Scimitar 3: Scimitar Squadron Pilot + Proton Torpedoes + Proton Bomb

Well as far as I can tell, that’s all for the Empire at the Battle of Endor. Let me know if I missed anything.

There’s quite a bit here, so you’ll have a lot of different things to work with if you’re going for a 100 point squadron. There’s probably also enough here to throw together a formidable list for an Epic game, which given the sheer epicness of that final battle, seems like a very appropriate way to try all this out.

Stay tuned for the next installment where we look at all of the Rebels at the Battle of Endor!


Thematic Squad Articles:

Battle of Yavin

Battle of Endor Rebels

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