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Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 1

This is a special presentation of The Jodo Cast!

Ever since The Ossus Academy went off the air in the summer of 2012, we’ve had listeners asking for the old episodes to be made available again, even if there are not to be any new episodes. As time goes on, we’ll try to add more of the lore and story-telling that made The Academy great, and, much to our surprise, a fan favorite!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Flashback! Ossus Academy 1”

Jodo Cast Episode 1: First Catch

And now… the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

It’s time for the premier episode of The Jodo Cast! Two of the most recent hosts from Mos Eisley Radio have made the move to a new site with a new show! Let’s be honest, though, it’s the same show as the last one, but apparently that’s what people love!

Check it out“Jodo Cast Episode 1: First Catch”